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The 2024 Mid-Year Management Meeting of Duidian Consulting was successfully held in Hangzhou.

"In the plum rain season, every household is rainy, and in the green grass pond, frogs are everywhere," in the most beautiful Jiangnan smoke and rain season, the mid-year management meeting of Duidian Consulting in 2024 was successfully held in Hangzhou.

The theme of the meeting was "Starting from the heart, customers are not to be delayed". The founder and CEO Joyce, founding partner Tim, Anise, and more than 150 managers from more than ten cities gathered in Hangzhou to summarize and review the development achievements of the first half of the year, exchange and discuss business strategies, and work together to meet the second half of the year.

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Steady Development, Profit Sharing

Joyce, the founder and CEO of Duidian Consulting, took everyone through the development history of the company. Duidian Consulting has gone through the initial stage, the national layout stage, and the product line diversification stage, and has now reached the stage of steady development. Based on the new stage of development, we are seeking steady development and sustainable operation. In the first quarter of 2024, the company officially launched the profit-sharing plan, retaining an appropriate proportion of profits for continuous development. The part of the profit that exceeds the retained profit will be distributed as an incentive, so that value creators and continuous contributors can get more returns.

Bright, the CFO of the company, demonstrated and analyzed the budget achievement of the first half of 2024, and compared and analyzed the income situation of the first half of the year, as well as the team's efficiency, company costs, profit margins and other business data. The headhunting business performance has a significant increase compared to the first quarter, and the flexible employment business also showed a good completion in the first half of the year, and the results of the collection and cost control are remarkable.

Organizational Development, Talent First

Organizational development, talent first. Joyce pointed out that we should use high-efficiency employees to let excellent talents go to the front line and directly create value. She used the pyramid model to interpret the "talent" standard defined by Duidian Consulting and summarized the organizational advantages of Duidian Consulting.

Advantages of Duidian Consulting:

Long-termism - patient, willing to train, and able to empower

Incentive mechanism - short-term incentives are in line with the market's 80th percentile salary, and long-term incentives include profit-sharing incentives, equity incentive mechanisms, etc.

The company's cultural background - open and inclusive, sincere and pragmatic

Learning organization - adapt to changes, iterate and upgrade

In order to practice the organization's talent strategy, the meeting specially invited the company's PRC (internal recommendation) expert Oliver to share his own PRC concept and experience. To express the affirmation and gratitude to the excellent internal recommender, Joyce awarded Oliver a special reward and called on the managers present to attach more importance to the introduction of excellent talents, to become the first responsible person for the growth of the organization, to join hands to strengthen the team, and to create a wonderful future.

Team Cooperation, Organizational Upgrade

Tim, the founding partner of Duidian Consulting, brought the theme of "Creating an Excellent Organization, Returning to the Growth Track" to the managers present. Tim said that to create a positive cycle of organizational upgrade, we need to recruit more self-driven and excellent people → give trust + empowerment, to get better results → build a better employer brand.

Tim shared McGregor's famous XY theory. The X theory believes that people are passive, lazy, and self-centered, while the Y theory believes that people are hardworking, ambitious, and self-driven. He advocates that management personnel should build a positive incentive leadership, through internal incentives + empowerment, to give full affirmation to members, to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm and potential. Organizational management divides people into three types: Giver (giver), Taker (taker), and Matcher (adapter). To create an efficient cooperative organization, we need to continuously discover and introduce Givers, distinguish and reduce Takers. Tim said that to become a successful Giver, you need to make it clear who to help - avoid helping takers; make it clear when to help - make a plan and determine priorities, help others first help yourself; make it clear what to help - provide help based on a focused field.

Customer Judgment, Practical Sharing

Anise, the founding partner of Duidian Consulting, shared the cooperation cases with several top semiconductor companies, pointing out that the key point of the team's inability to make judgments and decisions on customer judgment is due to insufficient or asymmetric information. The next approach is to set goals → connect in parallel lines → continuously focus on key projects, report on a weekly basis, and focus on recommendations.


1. Mapping is the only way to solve the problem of finding people. Headhunting has entered the second half, and there are no simple positions.

2. Have a spirit of cooperation. When we operate the case, we need to be patient and sincere to the customer, but also pay attention to team cooperation, establish trust, communication, cooperation, and care for colleagues.

3. Dare to make commitments and be responsible for them. I hope that both consultants and project managers can be brave enough to take on responsibilities, so that the organization can enter a positive cycle.

Exploring the Platform, Developing Overseas

"Becoming an international leader in the human resource industry" is the corporate vision proposed by Duidian Consulting at the beginning of its establishment. After thirteen years of deep cultivation in the domestic market, Duidian Consulting has accumulated rich recruitment experience and built a strong professional talent pool. The launch of overseas business marks an important step in the internationalization process of the company.

The overseas business team of Duidian Consulting adheres to the business philosophy of "customer first" of Duidian Consulting, accompanying customers to grow together. As of the second quarter of 2024, it has successfully recruited key positions such as national or regional business leaders, overseas marketing, overseas SQE, project management, government and public relations, sales and quality directors, HRBP, etc., for many manufacturing, automotive, and consumer goods companies in overseas, covering Southeast Asia, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Europe and America, Africa and other regions, with professional services and efficient recruitment processes, winning the trust and high praise of many customers.

Resilient people are determined, and resilience goes a long way. The 2024 annual sprint target of Duidian Consulting has been locked, and the horn of battle has been blown. Let us continue to adhere to the strategic direction, start from the heart, work together, overcome difficulties, and create a new glory together!